Program content and learning outcomes
Cultural Competence Program (CCP) is part of the SBS Inclusion Program and consists of two distinct courses, Core Inclusion and Culture, with nine modules in total. It features:
- Real video stories from interviews
- Animated educational graphics
- Engaging interactive activities
- Further reading and links
- Over 60 films
- Over 3 hours of training content
- Relevant and practical culture-specific information
- Available anytime, anywhere via web browser or can be added to your LMS
Modules cover the following topics
Why Inclusion?
- What is diversity and inclusion
- Inclusion at work
- Intersectionality
- Benefits of inclusion
Unconscious Bias
- Bias and inclusion
- Recruitment bias
- Groupthink
- Stereotypes and generalisations
- Managing unconscious bias
Core Skills
- Assumptions
- Open-ended questions
- Curiosity
How to be Inclusive
- How to be inclusive
- Inclusion and recruitment
- Flexibility
- Universal and inclusive design
- Excluded
- Included
Cultural Differences and Similaries
- Time
- Direct and indirect communication
- Family
- What's in a name?
- Cultural themes
Practical Cultural Competence
- Assumptions
- Open-ended questions
- Curiosity
- Respect
Cross-Cultural Communication #1
- Greetings
- Values
- Cultural dimensions
- Communication and ‘face’
Cross-Cultural Communication #2
- Verbal
- Non-verbal and written communication styles
- Object language
- Use of interpreters and translators
Cultural Adaptation
- Stages of cultural adaptation
- Impact on management
Australia by the Numbers
- Population statistics
- Religion
- Indigenous Australians
- Australian values
Content preview
The concept of ‘face’
Being curious about cultures
Making assumptions
Benefits of diversity and inclusion
Learning outcomes
Individual learning outcomes are geared toward developing understating in culture, diversity and inclusion through looking at some of the following:
- Meanings and definitions
- Ways that cultural diversity contributes to competitive advantage
- Unconscious bias in decision making and how to remedy it
- Different cultures’ ways of thinking, acting and communicating
- How the above is affected by values, attitudes and beliefs
- How different people of different cultures adapt to new cultures
A person who has completed the CCP will be:
- More effective and efficient in dealing with people from diverse cultures on a day to day basis
- A better manager of diverse teams
- More capable of building respectful relationships
- Ready for further training
- Able to better understand and appreciate diverse cultures in everyday life
Benefits of doing the program
The CCP helps organisations and individuals build capability around cultural diversity. For organisations, the program is a cost-effective and scalable way to train large or small numbers with consistency. In doing so, diversity and inclusion can be turned into a competitive advantage. The course is also a great foundation for further activities and training.
Business Growth
Drive innovation
Better business outcomes
Improve market reach and customer service
Increase talent pool
Employee retention and increased productivity
Meet legal obligations and improve OH&S
Individuals doing the program will gain practical skills and cultural specific knowledge for use in the workplace and everyday life. By improving verbal and non-verbal communication, individuals and mangers will be better able to address diverse workforces and customers, leading to better management.
Ultimately the key to dealing with cultural diversity is building mutually respectful relationships.