Course background
Brought to you by SBS, Multicultural NSW and International Education Services, the CCP is an online training program aimed at helping organisations navigate and maximise the benefits of cultural diversity in the workplace. The training is divided into two dedicated courses, Core Inclusion and Culture, and includes animations, activities and video interviews featuring real stories and workplace experiences.
Organisations can arrange for employees to access the CCP via web browser or Learning Management System (LMS). The CCP can also be accessed by individuals (who are not part of a company training scheme) via web browser.
The CCP is supported by the Cultural Atlas - an extensive online resource providing detailed and practical information about a range of cultures. The Cultural Atlas is constantly updated, and can be extremely useful when doing business with a range of cultures in Australia or abroad.
Why the CCP was developed
Australia is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011) 28% of residents were born in another country and almost 50% have at least one parent born elsewhere. This diversity poses opportunities and challenges, and the CCP was developed to
Provide relevant training and information for organisations to manage cultural diversity internally and externally
Create competitive advantage for organisations operating in increasingly diverse marketplaces both locally and globally
Promote social cohesion through fostering a better understanding of diverse cultures
The CCP has been designed for both individuals and organisations. It explores topics including:
- the business case for diversity
- cultural differences and similarities within our diverse society
- cross cultural communication
- unconscious bias
- cultural adaptation
Program research and compilation process
The structure of the overall program is based on documentation authored by Robert Bean (BA, Grad Dip Education, Cert IV Training and Education, and Managing Director of Cultural Diversity Services Pty Ltd) and provided by the Australian Multicultural Foundation. Content for course modules was gathered over two years from a wide variety of sources and complied into a 250 page document which was then reviewed by Robert Bean, re-written and filmed. All sources are listed as references within the program at the end of each module. A number of people were also consulted on various elements of the program and are listed in the credits.
A core part of the content was derived from direct long form video interviews with individuals from a broad range of cultures, and with managers of diverse teams. Pilot versions of the videos were delivered to over 45 people from SBS, MNSW and IES for feedback on cultural, educational and functionality issues, with amendments being made as necessary. Robert Bean then review the final content. The experiences of the interviewees – real life stories – are expressed in the program as video mashes.
CCP – Credentials
SBS, Multicultural NSW (MNSW) and International Education Services (IES) are market leaders in the areas of multiculturalism, cultural awareness, and education.
SBS – Established in 1978, SBS is Australia’s multicultural broadcaster and holds a market-leading position in the creation of unique content that focuses on diversity. SBS provides multilingual, multicultural and indigenous radio, television and digital media services that inform educate and entertain all Australians and, in doing so, reflect Australia's diverse society.
Multicultural NSW – The purpose of MNSW is to build and maintain a cohesive and harmonious multicultural society that enriches the lives of all the people of NSW. Multicultural NSW promotes harmony and social cohesion in one of the most culturally diverse states in the world. This includes developing and implementing policy and legislative frameworks to support multicultural principles.
International Education Services (IES) – IES is an award-winning Brisbane based educational provider which has for the past 30 years built an enviable reputation in online and in-classroom delivery of high quality innovative education products. With a focus on providing pathways to international students, IES has established partnerships through service agreements with the Australian and Queensland governments and has long-term partnerships with high-profile Australian tertiary institutions including University of Queensland and Griffith University.
Cultural Atlas research and compilation process
Similarly to the CCP, content for the Cultural Atlas is based on primary research from a wide variety of sources. Content is compiled and summarised with all source materials referenced within the site. Individual country listings are reviewed by people from each relevant culture and amendments made where necessary. The material has also been reviewed by MNSW.
In addition, anyone using the website can provide feedback. This feedback is reviewed and the website is updated if necessary.
Authoring and key staff
Robert Bean (BA, Grad Dip Education, Cert IV Training and Education)
Robert is the managing director of Cultural Diversity Services Pty Ltd, an Adelaide-based management consulting and training practice, also trading as Robert Bean Consulting. Over the past 30 years he has worked with hundreds of government, community and business enterprises across Australia to help them manage team and customer diversity and to develop cross-cultural communication skills. He also has national policy and research experience and many of his publications and conference presentations are freely available.
Leon Coningham (BBUS Dist.)
Leon has held senior roles at the ABC and SBS and has extensive international business experience across a range of cultures, products and services.
Chris Evason (BSc Hon Chem, Grad Certificate of Education, qualifications in ESL teaching)
Chris has been the Managing Director of International Education Services since its inception in 1997. Prior to IES he worked in both Australia and Europe in a number of positions including a science teacher, an ESL teacher and senior administrative education roles.
Nina Evason (BA, Cambridge ESL Certificate)
As digital content specialist at IES, Nina has designed and created a suite of web-based products that provide cross-cultural and English language learning. She has specialised knowledge in multicultural affairs, peace and conflict studies, and international relations.
Hakan Harman (Master of Public Administration, University of Sydney)
Hakan has been Chief Executive Officer at Multicultural NSW since Jan 2014, and was previously with the Community Relations Commission as Director of Operations for 8 years.
Linda Karlsson (BSc Equality and Diversity Management, Lund University Sweden; Master of Communication for Development C4D, Malmo University Sweden)
Prior to working at IES, Linda completed a thesis in which she analysed strategies to promote flexible work amongst male employees in Australia.
Sample of CCP interviewees
- Jing Han
- – Manager Subtitling and Program Preparation, SBS
- Peter Khalil
- – MP, member for Wills
- Albert Mwangi
- – Marketing Director, Council for Young Africans Living Abroad
- Arfa Noor
- – Associate Director, Sponsor Relations and Borderless Delivery at University of Adelaide
- Devinder Pal Ker
- – Head of Translation Services, Multicultural NSW
- Masheila Pillay
- – Multicultural Director, Dentsu Mitchell
- Peter Sachs
- – Programming Manager, NITV
- Tureia Sample
- – Director, PwC Legal
- Xavier Villagonzalo
- – Secretariat Chamber of Commerce and Industry Association, Philippines Inc.
- Mandi Wicks
- – Director Audio and Language, SBS